mentat.const module

Global constants and utilities for Mentat system.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_DATABASE = '__core__database'

Name of the configuration key for core database configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_DATABASE_CONFIG = 'config'

Name of the configuration subkey key for config configuration in core database configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_DATABASE_CONNECTION = 'connection'

Name of the configuration subkey key for connection configuration in core database configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_DATABASE_EVENTSTORAGE = 'eventstorage'

Name of the configuration subkey key for eventservice configuration in core database configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_DATABASE_SCHEMA = 'schema'

Name of the configuration subkey key for schema configuration in core database configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_DATABASE_SQLSTORAGE = 'sqlstorage'

Name of the configuration subkey key for sqlservice configuration in core database configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_INFORMANT = '__core__informant'

Name of the configuration key for core informant configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_INFORMANT_REPORTSDIR = 'reports_dir'

Name of the configuration subkey key for reports dir configuration in core informant configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER = '__core__reporter'

Name of the configuration key for core reporter configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_FALLBACK = 'fallback'

Name of the configuration subkey key for fallback configuration in core reporter configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_REPORTSDIR = 'reports_dir'

Name of the configuration subkey key for reports dir configuration in core reporter configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_TEMPLATESDIR = 'templates_dir'

Name of the configuration subkey key for templates dir configuration in core reporter configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_TEMPLATEVARS = 'template_vars'

Name of the configuration subkey key for template vars configuration in core reporter configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_SERVICES = '__core__services'

Name of the configuration key for core services configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_CACHE = 'cache'

Name of the configuration subkey key for cache configuration in core services configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_DNS = 'dns'

Name of the configuration subkey key for DNS configuration in core services configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_GEOIP = 'geoip'

Name of the configuration subkey key for GeoIP configuration in core services configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_NERD = 'nerd'

Name of the configuration subkey key for NERD configuration in core services configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_PDNS = 'pdns'

Name of the configuration subkey key for PassiveDNS configuration in core services configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_SERVICES_WHOIS = 'whois'

Name of the configuration subkey key for whois configuration in core services configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_STATISTICS = '__core__statistics'

Name of the configuration key for core statistics configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_STATISTICS_REPORTSDIR = 'reports_dir'

Name of the configuration subkey key for reports dir configuration in core statistics configurations.

mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_STATISTICS_RRDSDIR = 'rrds_dir'

Name of the configuration subkey key for RRDs dir configuration in core statistics configurations.

mentat.const.DFLT_EVENT_LOG_STATISTICS = 'log_statistics'

Default name for the log_statistics event.

mentat.const.DFLT_EVENT_RELOAD = 'reload'

Default name for the reload event.

mentat.const.DFLT_EVENT_SAVE_RUNLOG = 'save_runlog'

Default name for the save_runlog event.

mentat.const.DFLT_EVENT_START = 'start'

Default name for the start event.

mentat.const.DFLT_INTERVAL_RELOAD = 300

Default time interval in seconds for reloading internal caches.

mentat.const.DFLT_INTERVAL_RUNLOG = 60

Default time interval in seconds for saving currrent processing runlog.


Default time interval in seconds for calculating processing statistics.


Default interval in seconds for checking the input queue for new messages.

mentat.const.DFLT_QUEUE_IN_PERMS = 509

Default interval in seconds for checking the input queue for new messages.


Default interval in seconds for checking whether the output queue is full.

mentat.const.DFLT_QUEUE_SIZE_LIMIT = 5000

Default limit for number of messages in the queue.


Default interval in seconds for checking the changes in event classes database in mentat-inspector.

mentat.const.RE_REPORT_FILE_TIMESTAMP = re.compile('^[^\\d]*([\\d]{8})')

Regular expression for parsing out the report timestamp from attachment file name.

mentat.const.construct_report_dirpath(basedirpath, filename, check=False)[source]

Construct target report directory path based on given base path and file name.

If filename contains timestamp information ([d]{8}), place that file into another subdirectory. This approach is a solution to report directory containing hundreds of thousands of files.

mentat.const.random_str(length=10, letters='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')[source]

Generate a random string of fixed length from given set of letters.


Method for marking translatable strings according to the documentation recipe at