hawat.blueprints.pdnsr package

This pluggable module provides access to PassiveDNS service operated by CESNET, a.l.e.. It is implemented upon custom mentat.services.pdnsr module.

Provided endpoints


Endpoint providing search form for querying PassiveDNS service and formating result as HTML page.

  • Authentication: login required

  • Methods: GET


Endpoint providing API search form for querying PassiveDNS service and formating result as JSON document.

  • Authentication: login required

  • Authorization: any role

  • Methods: GET, POST


Endpoint providing API search form for querying PassiveDNS service and formating result as JSON document containing HTML snippets.

  • Authentication: login required

  • Authorization: any role

  • Methods: GET, POST

class hawat.blueprints.pdnsr.APISearchView[source]

Bases: AJAXMixin, AbstractSearchView

View responsible for querying PassiveDNS service and presenting the results in the form of JSON document.

classmethod get_view_name()[source]

Return unique name for the view. Name must be unique in the namespace of parent blueprint/module and should contain only characters [a-z0-9]. It will be used for generating endpoint name for the view.

This method does not have any default implementation and must be overridden by a subclass.


Name for the view.

Return type:


methods: ClassVar[Optional[Collection[str]]] = ['GET', 'POST']

The methods this view is registered for. Uses the same default (["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]) as route and add_url_rule by default.

class hawat.blueprints.pdnsr.AbstractSearchView[source]

Bases: RenderableView

Application view providing base search capabilities for PassiveDNS service.

The querying is implemented using mentat.services.pdnsr module.

authentication = True

Similar to the decorators mechanism in Flask pluggable views, you may use this class variable to specify, that the view is protected by authentication. During the process of registering the view into the blueprint in hawat.app.hawatBlueprint.register_view_class() the view will be automatically decorated with flask_login.login_required() decorator.

The advantage of using this in favor of decorators is that the application menu can automatically hide/show items inaccessible to current user.

This is a scalar variable that must contain boolean True or False.


Mandatory interface required by the flask.views.View.dispatch_request(). Will be called by the Flask framework to service the request.

classmethod get_menu_title(**kwargs)[source]

Return menu entry title for the view.

Default implementation returns the return value of hawat.view.BaseView.get_view_title() method by default.


kwargs (dict) – Optional parameters.


Menu entry title for the view.

Return type:


classmethod get_view_title(**kwargs)[source]

Return title for the view, that will be displayed in the title tag of HTML head element and also as the content of page header in h2 tag.

Default implementation returns the return value of hawat.view.BaseView.get_menu_title() method by default.


kwargs (dict) – Optional parameters.


Title for the view.

Return type:


hawat.blueprints.pdnsr.BLUEPRINT_NAME = 'pdnsr'

Name of the blueprint as module global constant.

class hawat.blueprints.pdnsr.PDNSRBlueprint(name, import_name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HawatBlueprint

Pluggable module - PassiveDNS service (pdnsr).

classmethod get_module_title()[source]

Get human readable name for this blueprint/module.


Name (short summary) of the blueprint/module.

Return type:



Hook method: Custom callback, which will be called from hawat.app.Hawat.register_blueprint() method and which can perform additional tweaking of Hawat application object.


app (hawat.app.Hawat) – Application object.

class hawat.blueprints.pdnsr.SearchView[source]

Bases: HTMLMixin, AbstractSearchView

View responsible for querying PassiveDNS service and presenting the results in the form of HTML page.

classmethod get_view_name()[source]

Return unique name for the view. Name must be unique in the namespace of parent blueprint/module and should contain only characters [a-z0-9]. It will be used for generating endpoint name for the view.

This method does not have any default implementation and must be overridden by a subclass.


Name for the view.

Return type:


methods: ClassVar[Optional[Collection[str]]] = ['GET']

The methods this view is registered for. Uses the same default (["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]) as route and add_url_rule by default.

class hawat.blueprints.pdnsr.SnippetSearchView[source]

Bases: SnippetMixin, AbstractSearchView

View responsible for querying PassiveDNS service and presenting the results in the form of JSON document containing ready to use HTML page snippets.

classmethod get_view_name()[source]

Return unique name for the view. Name must be unique in the namespace of parent blueprint/module and should contain only characters [a-z0-9]. It will be used for generating endpoint name for the view.

This method does not have any default implementation and must be overridden by a subclass.


Name for the view.

Return type:


methods: ClassVar[Optional[Collection[str]]] = ['GET', 'POST']

The methods this view is registered for. Uses the same default (["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]) as route and add_url_rule by default.

renders = ['label', 'full']
snippets = [{'name': 'hostnames', 'condition': <function SnippetSearchView.<lambda>>}]

Mandatory interface for hawat.Hawat and factory function. This function must return a valid instance of hawat.app.HawatBlueprint or flask.Blueprint.

